Fourth Annual Minnesota Adlerian Conference 9/11, 2020 – Virtual Conference

Helping Clients Change: Overcoming Trauma with Individual Psychology Conceptualization and Interventions

For this year’s conference, we will be meeting over Zoom September 11th, 9 am – 12 pm (CST). (Cost: $40 for professionals and $25 for students). All profit from the conference will be donated to NASAP scholarships, ICASSI scholarships, and the Walk-in Counseling Center.

Mental health practitioners are tasked with understanding holistic factors that influence psychological trauma as well as implementing strategies to help individuals recover and heal from traumatic events and experiences. This workshop will introduce a trauma-informed Adlerian case conceptualization model. Sperry will also review findings from his sabbatical, which examined trauma treatment and practices around the globe.

The workshop will be a combination of brief lectures, experiential exercises, and practical demonstrations to introduce you to strategies that can be effectively integrated into your work with clients.

Learning Objectives: Participants will…

Be able to define trauma-informed care and understand the basic principles for conceptualizing cases through a trauma-informed lens.

  1. Understand the significance of the adverse childhood experiences study (ACES) as a public health concern.
  2. Understand how trauma-informed principles can be integrated into various Adlerian counseling practice.
  3. Be able to apply a step-by-step strategy for developing effective trauma-informed Adlerian case conceptualizations and treatment plans.
  4. Understand themes of trauma treatment and practices around the globe.

Jon Sperry, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Lynn University and a staff counselor at the Counseling and Psychological Services at Florida Atlantic University. He lectures around the globe extensively on Adlerian theory, case conceptualization, trauma-informed care, and group drumming.

This training has been approved for 3.0 CE credits by the Minnesota Board of Psychology (log number 202107.005), Minnesota Board of Marriage and Family Therapy (Board approval number 2020-180), and Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy (2020.CE.168, for LPC and LPCC).

Use coupon code AAML if you have been to any previous Adler Academy conferences for $5 off.

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