Enhanced Holistic Change; Moving from Embodied Joy by Karen Haeg

This is another great presentation waiting for you in Vancouver in May 2017 at the NASAP annual conference.

Keep an eye on Karen Haeg’s workshop “Enhanced Holistic Change; Moving from Embodied Joy”. Learn to create holistic change using integrative therapies. Experience and learn holistic somatic techniques to enhance wellness for the heart, mind, body and soul. The goal of the presentation is to enhance resilience and embodied joy for the Adlerian practitioner and their therapeutic relationships. The workshop aims to create a felt sense of Gemeinschaftsgefuehl. Participants will experience (and practice) somatic integrative therapies. Particpants will learn the practical use of integrative therapies to encourage embodied experience, heart-felt expression, mindful language, and soulful meaning during the Adlerian therapeutic process.

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