Previous Kaffee’s

Adler Kaffee Fun 2020

Adler Academy Kaffee

Adlerian Friends –

Please join us on Friday, February 7, 2020 (Adler’s birthday) for conversation and snacks in honor of Adler’s 150th birthday. (We will also celebrate Dreikurs’ birthday which is later in the month.) Please come and enjoy some good old-fashioned gemeinschaftsgefühl to warm yourself against winter’s chill.

When: 5:30-8:00 pm, February 7

Where: Room 215, 4900 US-169, New Hope, MN 55428 (take the 49th St. exit off 169 and go east one block to the 1st office building)

There will be light food and non-alcoholic beverages.

Register Here:

Remember to save the date for our annual conference – Sept 11 & 12, 2020 at the Arboretum. Helping Clients Change: Focus on Trauma

Adler Kaffee – Feb 2019

Adler Academy of MN invites you to come to a celebration of Alfred Adler’s and Rudolf Dreikurs’ birthday. Please join us for the 4th Adler Kaffee –  an evening of fun, food, Adlerian themed mingling, seeing old friends and hearing new stories.
The Kaffee will be held on February 15th, from 5:30 to 8:00 PM at the Adler Graduate School at 10225 Yellow Circle Drive
Minnetonka, MN 55343.
Please bring yourself, your friends and significant others, and if you want some finger food to share.

Adler Kaffee 2018

Adler Kaffee – venue change!!! Bigger space!!!! More parking!!! Easier drive!!! AND an official address of Adler Academy!!!

The Adler Academy of Minnesota invites you to join us at the Adler Academy Kaffee on Friday, February 16, 2018, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the official address of the Adler Academy – 4900 Hwy 169 N, New Hope MN 55428. The building is located on the NE corner of Hwy 169 and 49th Ave; right off of the 49th Ave N exit and just south of HWY 694/494 and North of Rockford Rd/42nd Ave N. The event is on the second floor in suite 210.

  • * Get over the mid-winter blues with our version of “Wednesday Society.”

  • * Come connect with colleagues in an inviting and warm environment.

  • * Experience a taste of old Vienna’s coffee houses – light food and heavy discussions.

  • * Enjoy some light food and heavy discussions.

  • Come as you are. Go when you need. We would love to see you there!

    – The Adler Academy of Minnesota Board

    Register Now

    P.S. Save the correct date for our 2nd Annual Adlerian Conference at the Minnesota Arboretum Sept 28th and 29th, 2018.

    Adler Academy Kaffee Feb 10th 2017

    Mark your calendar!

    Adler Academy Kaffee

    February 10th from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM.

    Come any time.

    Happy Birthday, Dr. Adler and Dr. Dreikurs!!!

    Join us in celebrating all great historical February birthdays, including Alfred Adler’s and Rudolf Dreikurs’.

    If you were born in February, let us know. We will celebrate your birthday too!

    This will be our second Adler Academy Kaffee. Does Kaffee taste better than Cafe? Yes! That was the whole point!

    Food, fun, friends, photo booth, birth order experiential, announcement of the logo contest winner (maybe – if no winner yet, we will continue searching), all local and non-local Adlerian news, training announcements, a chance to speak to pretty exciting non-local friends



    Bring your friends, your family, your colleagues! This event is for all! You simply can’t miss it!

    And this time, space is much bigger! Bring snacks/fingerfood to share (not much, birthday cake is on us)

    Questions? Email us at [email protected]

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