
Adler Kaffee Fun 2020

Adler Academy Kaffee

Adlerian Friends –

Please join us on Friday, February 7, 2020 (Adler’s birthday) for conversation and snacks in honor of Adler’s 150th birthday. (We will also celebrate Dreikurs’ birthday which is later in the month.) Please come and enjoy some good old-fashioned gemeinschaftsgefühl to warm yourself against winter’s chill.

When: 5:30-8:00 pm, February 7

Where: Room 215, 4900 US-169, New Hope, MN 55428 (take the 49th St. exit off 169 and go east one block to the 1st office building)

There will be light food and non-alcoholic beverages.

Register Here:

Remember to save the date for our annual conference – Sept 11 & 12, 2020 at the Arboretum. Helping Clients Change: Focus on Trauma

An Adlerian Model of Supervision, using Family Constellation and Early Recollections

Friday, October 25 2019, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM [CST]


Based on model of supervision and consultation developed by Kopp, Shifron, and other systems Adlerians, this training will help supervisors to avoid impasses in supervision when supervisors’ own early childhood history, family constellation, and his or her lifestyle developed in early childhood clashes with the one of a supervisee who is already struggling with an identified “difficult” client. Ethics of self-awareness and using projective techniques in supervision will be thoroughly discussed.

Register here

Third Annual Minnesota Adlerian Conference 9/13 – 9/14, 2019

save the date ad 2019 conference MN

Registration is open now.

Helping clients change: Creating a more useful story

Adler Academy of Minnesota 3rd Annual Conference

September 13th 9:00 am to 5:00 pm & September 14th, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, 2019

** Drawing for one week tuition to 2020 ICASSI (Minsk), one registration to Fourth Annual Minnesotan Adlerian Conference (2020), and one free Ethics Seminar in December will occur on 9/14. **

The conference will focus on role of creativity in therapeutic interventions. Participants will learn applications of Adlerian theory, and its systems integration, that are based on creativity of human nature and role of creativity in therapeutic process, including Reflecting ‘As If’ and therapeutic use of life themed metaphors in Early Recollections. Adler’s belief in creative power of self, clients’ strengths and abilities to facilitate creative and socially useful change will be demonstrated in a variety of contexts – all highlighting relational nature of lasting creative therapeutic change. Specific procedures will be discussed to provide participants with a structure they can use in their own practice.

Learning Objective 1: Participants will understand application of Reflecting As If as it pertains to client’s ability and readiness for therapeutic change in a variety of settings

Learning Objective 2: Participants will understand the crucial role of encouragement in the Reflecting As If and Acting As If therapeutic process, and its relational core.

Learning Objective 3: Participants will practice implementation of the Reflecting As If process in an integrative manner with individuals, couples, and families

Learning Objective 4: Participants will learn life themes found within the metaphorical make-up of early recollections can point to the purpose for maladaptive behavior, including substance use by individuals and systems dynamics around substance use.

Learning Objective 5: Participants will analyze the metaphorical meaning of ERs in clients with substance use problems and their families

Learning Objective 6: Participants will practice the use of therapist-encouraged socially useful change in a metaphor embedded in a client’s Early Recollection.

The training is approved for up to 10 CE hours by the MN Board of Psychology, MN Board of Marriage and Family and Therapy, and MN Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy (for LPCs and LPCCs).

** There will be a drawing for one week’s tuition to the 2020 ICASSI (Minsk), one registration to Fourth Annual Minnesotan Adlerian Conference (2020), and one free tuition for the Ethics Seminar in December. **

Event outline:

September 13th, 2019 – 6.5 hours of CE

9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon (2.75 hrs with a 15 min break)

Reflecting as If (Learning Objectives 1 and 2)

12:00 Noon – 1:00 PM lunch break

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM (3.75 hrs with a 15 min break)

Metaphors in Early Recollections (Learning objectives 4 and 5)

September 14th, 2019 – 3.5 hours of CE

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Practice of Reflecting as If (Learning Objective 3)

11:15 AM – 1:00 PM

Practice of Metaphors in Early Recollections (Learning objective 6)

Adler Kaffee – Feb 2019

Adler Academy of MN invites you to come to a celebration of Alfred Adler’s and Rudolf Dreikurs’ birthday. Please join us for the 4th Adler Kaffee –  an evening of fun, food, Adlerian themed mingling, seeing old friends and hearing new stories.
The Kaffee will be held on February 15th, from 5:30 to 8:00 PM at the Adler Graduate School at 10225 Yellow Circle Drive
Minnetonka, MN 55343.
Please bring yourself, your friends and significant others, and if you want some finger food to share.