
6th Annual Minnesota Adlerian Conference – Sept 16, 2022

Registration is open for the 6th Annual Conference hosted by the Adler Academy of Minnesota on September 16, 2022 at the MN Landscape Arboretum.

The 6th Annual Minnesota Adlerian Conference

Helping Clients Change: Honoring Their Grieving Process

September 16, 2022

The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Presented by

Brittany Trauthwein, PsyD, LCP (IL), Elaine Carey, PsyD, LCP (IN), Heather Leigh, DAT, ATR-BC, LCPC (IL), Marina Bluvshtein, MA LMFT, PhD LP (MN)


This highly experiential training will be taught by a team of four – with an exciting combination of expertise in grief and Adlerian therapy. Participants will learn how the grief process is different from other human experiences and life transitions. Participants will learn about grief and grief work from an ethical, cultural, and systemic perspective with an Adlerian focus. Participants will learn interventions and engage in experiential learning that is appropriate for helping professionals, who also experience their own grief processes. The major approach used in this training – both its theoretical and its experiential components – is the systems approach, from family to lifespan to greater social systems impacting and being impacted by grief processes. Art therapy approaches to grief will be used throughout.

Dr. Brittany Trauthwein – Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Fellow in Thanatology (death, dying, and bereavement), and the Founder of Bridgepoint Psychology Center in Chicago, IL. She is a member of the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC).
Dr. Elaine L. Carey is a licensed clinical psychologist (IN) with a doctorate in clinical psychology with an emphasis in substance abuse from Adler University, Chicago (APA Accredited). She also earned a Master’s of Education in Counseling and Counselor Education with a Mental Health focus from Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis.
Dr. Heather Leigh, DAT, is Associate Professor and Department Chair for Art Therapy at Mount Mary University in Milwaukee, WI. She is a Board-Certified art therapist and a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (IL). Dr. Leigh earned her Professional Doctorate in Art Therapy from Mount Mary, her MA in Counseling Psychology: Art Therapy from Adler University in Chicago. Much of Dr. Leigh’s clinical experience has been with elders and their caregivers for whom grief and loss are central.
Dr. Marina Bluvshtein – PhD LP (MN) and MA LMFT (MN), with a specialty in applying therapeutic metaphors in clinical practice, among other areas of expertise. She teaches and writes on the use of metaphors, including publications in peer-reviewed journals.

The training has been approved for 6.5 CEU by the MN Board of Psychology, the MN Board of MFT, and the MN Board of BHT.

We are planning for a live conference, so seating will be limited to 50 people.  Participants will receive breakfast, lunch, and a snack.  Registration is open until Sept 14th. Early bird pricing ends on Sept 1st.

The last day to cancel your registration is September 9th. There will be no refunds after this date.

Please save the date and keep an eye on more news from us as we draw closer to the date.

Adler Academy of MN

woman writing on a notebook beside teacup and tablet computer

3 CEU’s – MFT Ethics approved

Meet us live on Zoom as we take you through a condensed version of September’s conference and earn yourself 3.0 CE hours. Participants can use the same BMFT approval number.

The 5th Annual Minnesota Adlerian ConferenceHelping Clients Change: You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup. (From the Sept 24, 2021 Annual Conference).

This training addresses issues related to burnout, compassionate fatigue, and vicarious trauma that helping professionals face in their daily life, and especially during times of mass crises.

·      Participants will identify sources of and significant differences between burnout, compassionate fatigue, and vicarious trauma.

·      Participants will interpret typical scenarios in light of these differences, and will relate personality variables to how burnout, compassionate fatigue, and vicarious trauma are experienced and how these may be impacting their professional practice. 

·     Participants will design their own creative and communally useful wellness plan, based on Adlerian perspective of wellness.

In this training, participants will attend a mini lecture, a live demonstration, portions of panel discussion with local experts, and small groups experiential exercises.

Speaker – Marina Bluvshtein, PhD LP; MA LMFT

You will also review portions of the panel presentation with moderator Gary Schoener, LP and local presenters.

3 CE hours of ethics approved by the MN Board of MFT. You can use that for your next reporting cycle or to meet your CE extension plans for 2020-2021 cycle.

Approved by the Board of Psychology, MN Board of MFT, and the MN Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy for CEU’s.

Have questions? Email us at [email protected] 

Fifth Annual Minnesota Adlerian Conference 9/24, 2021 – Hybrid Conference

The 5th Annual Minnesota Adlerian Conference will take place Friday, September 24, 2021. The topic is: Helping Clients Change: You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup.

This six-hour training addresses issues related to burnout, compassionate fatigue, and vicarious trauma that helping professionals face in their daily life, and especially during the times of mass crises.

·      Participants will identify sources of and significant differences between burnout, compassionate fatigue, and vicarious trauma.

·      Participants will interpret typical scenarios in light of these differences, and will relate personality variables to how burnout, compassionate fatigue, and vicarious trauma are experienced and how these may be impacting their professional practice. 

·     Participants will design their own creative and communally useful wellness plan, based on Adlerian perspective of wellness.

In this training, participants will attend a mini lecture, a life demonstration, a panel discussion with local experts, and small groups experiential exercises.

Speaker – Marina Bluvshtein, PhD LP; MA LMFT

Panel moderator – Gary Schoener, LP

Panel Presenters – Jonathan Bundt, MA LMFT; Pamela Oberoi, MA; Sara Stamschror, MA LMFT; Carri Sullivan, MA LPCC.

The training has been planned as both in-person and virtual. So, you can decide whether to join us in person at the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum or remotely via Zoom. There is also an option to purchase a recording of a portion of the training (a min-lecture and panel discussion only). If COVID-19 prevents us from continuing with our plans of in-person training, we will move the training to Zoom.

There will be a limited amount of in-person attendees. Please order your tickets early if you want to attend in person.

Each in-person attendee will receive a special gift – four books by Willard and Marguerite Beechers.

NEW this year:

The morning portion will include a lecture, demo, and breakout session. The afternoon portion will be a panel discussion with breakout sessions.

We are getting the lecture and panel discussion portions professionally recorded and that recording will be available to purchase here for $30: (No CEU’s are available for the recording). Conference attendees will receive a coupon for half off the recording. This coupon code will be in your confirmation email.

In-person attendees will receive up to 6.5 CEU’s. Live virtual attendees have the option to purchase a ticket with or without the 6.5 CEU’s.

3 CE hours of ethics approved by the MN Board of MFT (3 Ethics CE + 3.5 Regular CE = 6.5 CE). This is a CE reporting year!

6.5 board approved CEs for psychologists, LPC/LPCC, and MFTs.

Adler Academy Trauma Series

Are you a clinician, a professor, or a psychology/counseling student curious about Adlerian work with different types of trauma? Join me and my Adler Academy colleagues in the monthly Trauma Series. Bring your colleagues too to these 90 minute monthly meetings, with a mini-lecture, an experiential work, and a live discussion.

All meetings will start at 12:00 Noon Central time US. language – English. Fee – free for all. Click the link to register for each topic. NO CEU’s are being offered for these trainings.

Presented and facilitated by Marina Bluvshtein and Adler Academy members

Please see the schedule, topics, and login information below; AND share:

Adler Academy of MN

2020 – 2021 Trauma Clinical Series

When? – Fridays Noon Central Day Time US (Chicago time) – once a month; 90 minutes.

Where? – Zoom

Who is Invited? – all interested 

Who will present? Marina Bluvshtein and Adler Academy clinicians.

October 9, 2020 – Adler and Trauma (some History, some foundational Adlerian knowledge related to a topic)

November 13, 2020 – Trauma and Early Recollections

December 11, 2020 – Trauma and Metaphors work 

January 15, 2021 – Trauma and Family Constellation work 

February 12, 2021 – Trauma and Dreams work 

March 12, 2021 – Vicarious trauma: an Adlerian approach

April 16, 2021 – Mass trauma: an Adlerian approach

Questions? E-mail [email protected] or [email protected] 

CEU’s will not be available for these FREE trainings due to the cost and time required to apply for CEU’s.

Adler Academy of MN is an independent organization, is an affiliate member of NASAP, and is not affiliated with the Adler Graduate School.

Fourth Annual Minnesota Adlerian Conference 9/11, 2020 – Virtual Conference

Helping Clients Change: Overcoming Trauma with Individual Psychology Conceptualization and Interventions

For this year’s conference, we will be meeting over Zoom September 11th, 9 am – 12 pm (CST). (Cost: $40 for professionals and $25 for students). All profit from the conference will be donated to NASAP scholarships, ICASSI scholarships, and the Walk-in Counseling Center.

Mental health practitioners are tasked with understanding holistic factors that influence psychological trauma as well as implementing strategies to help individuals recover and heal from traumatic events and experiences. This workshop will introduce a trauma-informed Adlerian case conceptualization model. Sperry will also review findings from his sabbatical, which examined trauma treatment and practices around the globe.

The workshop will be a combination of brief lectures, experiential exercises, and practical demonstrations to introduce you to strategies that can be effectively integrated into your work with clients.

Learning Objectives: Participants will…

Be able to define trauma-informed care and understand the basic principles for conceptualizing cases through a trauma-informed lens.

  1. Understand the significance of the adverse childhood experiences study (ACES) as a public health concern.
  2. Understand how trauma-informed principles can be integrated into various Adlerian counseling practice.
  3. Be able to apply a step-by-step strategy for developing effective trauma-informed Adlerian case conceptualizations and treatment plans.
  4. Understand themes of trauma treatment and practices around the globe.

Jon Sperry, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Lynn University and a staff counselor at the Counseling and Psychological Services at Florida Atlantic University. He lectures around the globe extensively on Adlerian theory, case conceptualization, trauma-informed care, and group drumming.

This training has been approved for 3.0 CE credits by the Minnesota Board of Psychology (log number 202107.005), Minnesota Board of Marriage and Family Therapy (Board approval number 2020-180), and Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy (2020.CE.168, for LPC and LPCC).

Use coupon code AAML if you have been to any previous Adler Academy conferences for $5 off.