Adler is Everywhere

Adler is Everywhere

  • The Adlerian Network is founded by Susan Pye Brokaw in September, 2016. Her purpose is to link Adlerian professionals who want to pursue common interests.
  • The North American Society of Adlerian Psychology’s (NASAP) mission is to foster and promote the research, knowledge, training, and application of Adlerian Psychology, maintaining its principles and encouraging its growth. Founded in 1952, NASAP thrives today as a society for a broad spectrum of professionals in the fields of education, psychology, psychiatry, counseling, social work, pastoral care, business, and family education.
  • The International Committee of Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes (ICASSI) is a non-profit educational organization whose objective is to help professionals, students, and lay persons learn the teachings of Adler and Dreikurs and master appropriate skills, and to teach Adler’s and Dreikurs’ principles and methods where professional and personal development opportunities are needed.
  • The International Association of Individual Psychology (IAIP) has been created to bring together the organized bodies of Individual Psychology throughout the world and to provide a forum for international dialogue, collaboration and cooperation among these various bodies in regard to the further development and application of Individual Psychology.
  • The Alfred Adler Institute of New York has been in existence since 1948; and was chartered by the New York Board of Regents as one of the first three training and mental health facilities in New York City.  The Institute has been dedicated to training individuals with the appropriate background to help others as analysts and psychotherapists.

Note: AAM is not responsible for the content, claims or representations of the listed sites.

From: Social Equality: The Challenge of Today, Rudolf Dreikurs, 1971, p. 222.

“The spiritual and moral support we all need in the discouraging tribulations of our daily lives can only come from a group in which we are truly one another’s brothers. We need each other’s help in our efforts to be as good as we want to be, to be as effective as we can. We need each other to remind us of our ideals and to give us persistence in pursuing them. We need each other to stimulate our devotion to the common good, to stir up our willingness to feel with each other, to live with each other, to belong to each other in a long-delayed fulfillment of humanity’s most cherished and ancient dream: the brotherhood of man.”

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