1st Annual Minnesota Adlerian Conference

The 1st Annual Minnesota Adlerian Conference, featuring NASAP President James Bitter, is near.

The conference is on September 15, 16, & 17 from 9 AM to 4:30 PM at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chanhassen.

The theme is Helping Clients Change.

Isn’t that why we are in this field!?

Come to spend three incredible days with Jim Bitter and all of us in learning, practicing highly demanded clinical skills, networking, and enjoying colors of Arboretum. Arboretum entrance is free with the conference registration. Breakfasts and lunches are included – all three days!

If you are not convinced yet – here is more!

Dr. Bitter is an author or a co-author of eight books and 45 book chapters. He presented nationally and internationally too many times to have an accurate count.  He is a nationally certified counselor and nationally certified family therapist.  Those who have experienced him as a teacher say that he brings energy, wisdom, and knowledge to every teaching moment. James Bitter, Ed.D, will conduct all morning sessions, training attendees in Adaptive Reorientation Therapy: An Adlerian Intervention Model. Afternoons will be experiential in order to develop skills in this model. Afternoon facilitators will include Sue Brokaw, Catherine Hedberg, Marina Bluvshtein, Thomas Wright, Herb Laube, and Emerging Leaders. Multiple demonstrations of constructing reorientation methods will be provided, as well as opportunities to practice those creations in therapy.

This will be an advanced training in (a) forming a relationship; (b) conducting an initial interview using what Dreikurs (1997) called a subjective orientation; (c) conducting a lifestyle assessment or what Dreikurs called an objective orientation; and (d) developing a summary of lifestyle information, including an understanding of private logic (mistaken goals and notions) and the use of symptoms as purposeful strategies for living.

The Adaptive Orientation Therapy (ART) model proposed by Dr. Paul Rasmussen (2005; 2010) will be used as a guide for facilitating change. Rasmussen’s model blends Adlerian theory and practice with evolutionary psychology. Focusing on the implementation of community feeling/social interest and the development of effectiveness in the life tasks, interventions are created to reorient people’s lives toward more productive and harmonious living.

Prices: Early-bird ticket is $275 (Sale ends Sept 4th – Select the Early Bird Pricing when you check out), $300 after early-bird period (Deadline Sept 6th). Student Pricing: $150. *Breakfast & Lunch is included*

Four partial scholarships are available courtesy of John Reardon. If you are interested, contact John at [email protected]

Six other (three sets of dyads) partial scholarships are available courtesy of Marina Bluvshtein. If you are interested, contact Marina at [email protected]

To register go to

Space is limited!

For more information, go to https://www.adleracademy.org  or https://adleriannetwork.wordpress.com/

or email [email protected] or [email protected]

This training has been approved by the MN Board of Psychology for 16.5 hours of CE. The MN BBHT and MN MFT Board has also approved the training for 16.5 CEUs.

One Comment

  1. Cindy Fischer Hancock

    I attended the First Annual Conference, Helping Clients Change. I need a CEU certificate for the Boatd. Can you please send me a copy by email?
    Cindy L Fischer Hancock MA, LMFT, LADC

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